Drupal 9

Where Block module beats Layout Builder


Drupal core ships Block and Layout Builder modules.

  • Block module is in business of placing blocks.
  • Layout Builder module is in business of placing blocks.


Block placements are decentralized: Each block placement is a config entity. Several modules can work together to place blocks on the same page. In other words, a module providing a block placement, doesn't know if a different module is also providing a placement on the same page or even on the same region.

Drupal 8/9: Theme negotiation based on condition plugins

Sooner, the European Commission Drupal project I'm working on, will transition to a new theme. During the transition, some pages will be still displayed using the the old theme. I've looked around for a Drupal module that knows to render a certain page using a specific theme and found Switch Page Theme. The big impediment with this module is that it mainly checks the page path. And this is more or less hardcoded.

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