Managing team
Claudiu Cristea
Managing partner

Claudiu has more than 5 years of experience working with Drupal. He participated to medium and large scale Drupal projects as a developer or as project manager. He is an active contributor to Drupal community, by participating at the Romanian translation of the Drupal user interface and by managing the Romanian translation group at He maintains and contributes for a couple of modules including Views Send, Views PSPP, Safe HTML. Joining other Romanian Drupal enthusiasts, he founded the Romanian Drupal Association, and he is currently the president of this NGO. He is one of the initiators and organizers of some of the most important Drupal events in Romania, Drupalcamp Timișoara 2010, Drupalcamp Bucharest 2011 and Drupalcamp Arad 2012. In 2011, he partners with Gabriel Dragomir and start Webikon SRL, a company specialized in Drupal consulting, training and development.
Gabriel Dragomir
Managing partner

Gabriel has started developing sites with Drupal 5 years go. He worked as a consultant or developer for private companies and public institutions from Romania and USA. His experience spans from enterprise level solutions, to ecommerce and virtual learning applications. Gabriel is also providing consultance in the area of eLearning and academic software development for several EU funded structural projects in the area of higher education in Romania, having as beneficiaries institutions such as UEFISCDI - The Executive Agency for Higher Education, Research, Development and Innovation Funding, ARACIS - the Romanian Higher Education Quality Assurance Agency, and the National School of Political and Administrative Studies. He is currently managing partner at Webikon SRL, together with Claudiu Cristea. He is one of the founding members of Drupal Romania Association and one of the coorganizers of DrupalCamp Romania conferences. He actively supports the adoption of Drupal in the government/NGO/edu environments and organizes periodical Drupal training and presentation sessions. Gabriel is a member of the Young Advisors Expert Group of Vice President and Commissioner for Digital Agenda, Neelie Kroes, an informal advisory body registered at the European Commission, who's mission is to inform and advise the Vice President on different aspects relevant to the Digital Agenda for Europe (DAE) and the future of digital society from a specific generational perspective.