Secure Drupal files with fsniper

Keeping file system with secure permissions has been always a critical task when it comes to administer a webserver. Not every time files uploaded via the webserver are saved with the correct permissions. Running a cron job to fix them could be a solution but how to deal with the case when an attacker can very quick exploit files wrong set permissions? — a free, multi-language, employability networking tool

YouRock is a free, multi-language, employability networking tool, created to show that young people have a range of work skills often hidden in the things they do every day and to give them the language of employers to describe those skills. We used the flexibility and power of Drupal 7 to build this very nice project.

Skills For the Future

Hyundai Motor Company and Junior Achievement-Young Enterprise Europe are partnering to promote greater understanding and awareness among young people about Science, Technology, Engineering and Math (STEM) skills, entrepreneurship and the skills for their future employability.

Briefly about Drupal DevDays Szeged 2014

Photo: #drupaldevdays |

Drupal DevDays Szeged was one of the most successful Drupal events I ever attended since 2008. Let me explain why...

Installing Apache Solr 4.7 multicore on Ubuntu 12.04 and Tomcat7



I will show you how to install the ApacheSolr search engine under Tomcat7 servlet container on Ubuntu 12.04.4 LTS (Precise Pangolin) to be used later with Drupal 7. In this writeup I'm gonna discuss only the installation and setup of the ApacheSolr server. Specific Drupal configuration and/or Drupal side configuration to be discussed in future writeup.

Migrating to Drupal 8

Together with my partner, Gabriel, facing the North.

Together with my partner, Gabriel, facing the North

Alkuvoima+East Group, a Finnish strategic digital marketing agency, invited us to join one of their interesting events in Helsinki. We were asked to present some hot topics like: ‟Drupal 8 — What’s Cooking?”, ‟Migrate to Drupal 8” and ‟Drupal 8 as a mobile backend” along with another cutting-edge presentation: ‟Drupal and Apache Stanbol”. The big interest aroused by the ‟Migrate to Drupal 8” topic inspired me to elaborate on this subject.

At Drupalcon Prague 2013 Dries announced the switch to a migration-based upgrade and the move of Migrate module in Drupal core. In this write-up I will introduce you to migration basics: concepts, flow, components and then I will illustrate a complete migration process, as it works, now, in Drupal 8 by explaining how a real migration has been implemented in a real module. Here we go!

Today Drupal is 13 years old

In the early 2000s I wrote my own CMS, of course using PHP 3 (!) and MySQL. Everything was so simple, flexible and… funny. I thought I would never switch because it was so easy to extend and the system was so responsive. What I didn’t realize at that time, was that the web itself was rather simple.

But at some point, in the middle of decade, everything changed: the Web 2.0 came into the scene. Web API, web services, all together with XML, RSS and feed aggregation. Rich web user interfaces and then the amazing user interaction and social networking or social-media. After getting used to the changes, I finally realized that my CMS is dead. There was no chance to keep the rhythm.

Brussels Airport Flightplanner

Brussels Airport Flightplanner

Brussels Airport Flightplanner is the official Brussels Airport iPhone and Android app. It's a valuable tool used to plan or track a flight. The app will map out a personal itinerary from your front door to the gate. You will receive updates through push notifications, browse the shopping, food and drinks listing for special promotions.

With Drupal people, in Târgu Mureș

Our company was born in the Drupal community. We were involved from the early days of Romanian Drupal movement in supporting this great open source product and its enthusiasts. That's why we are again in the place that brings together drupalers from Romania or nearby countries: Drupalcamp Târgu Mureș 2013. is proud to support the 4th Romanian conference taking place in the lovely city of Târgu Mureș. See you there :)


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